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Circulars/ Public Notices
Sr.No Ref. Number Notice Title Date of Issue Download
1 Recruitment Notice Regarding appointment of Member of Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) Punjab 18-Dec-2024
2 Public Notice Regarding the designation of terrorist organisation under sub-section (1) of Section 35 of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 (37 of 1967) and their listing in the First Schedule of the Act. 06-Nov-2024
3 Public Notice Public Notice regarding Inviting applications for the appointment of Member for Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Punjab 04-Oct-2024
4 rera-pb-admn-Dy Dir.A-2024-9348 Public Notice regarding the timings for the public dealing by Managers of all Branches in the Authority's premises shall be from 02:30 PM to 04:30 PM. 20-Sep-2024
5 Public Notice Regarding discontinuation of Undertaking cum Indemnity Bond for Fresh Registration and Renewal of Registration of Real Estate Agents with RERA Punjab. 11-Sep-2024
6 Public Notice Public notice regarding the interaction/interview for the appointment of the Chairperson, Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Punjab. 11-Sep-2024
7 Public Notice Public Notice regarding Inviting applications for the appointment of Chairperson for Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Punjab 03-May-2024
8 Public Notice Regarding minutes of the meeting held on 10.04.2024 to discuss the observations of the REAT and the status of pendency of project registration. 10-Apr-2024
9 17/05/16/5/housing-2/525/526 Public notice regarding the interaction/interview for the appointment of the Member, Real Estate Appellate Tribunal, Punjab and Member, Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Punjab. 28-Mar-2024
10 RERA/Pb/2024/2795 Regarding the Registration of Real Estate projects under Section 5 of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016. 28-Feb-2024
11 Public Notice Regarding Addition of 2 entries to the Security Council 1533 Sanctions Committee from the office of DG-Audit Indirect Taxes and Customs, Govt. Of India. 03-Jan-2024
12 Public Notice Regarding the addition of two entries to its sanction list of Security Council ISIL (Da'esh) and AL-Qaida Sanctions Committee from the office of DG-Audit Indirect Taxes and Customs, Govt. of India. 17-May-2023
13 Public Notice Regarding the guidelines to mitigate the risks and vulnerabilities of Money Laundering/Terrorism financing (ML/TF) for Real Estate Agents. 04-May-2023
14 Public Notice Public notice regarding the interaction/interview for the appointment of the Chairperson and Member, Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Punjab. 06-Dec-2022
15 RERA/Pb/FIN/2022/10243 Public notice regarding the submission of certificates for withdrawal of money from the separate bank account. 15-Nov-2022
16 Public Notice Public Notice regarding renewal of registration of Real Estate Agent. 29-Aug-2022
17 Public Notice Public Notice issued by GMADA dated 28.04.2022 (The Tribune), regarding amendment in CLU for area falling in village Jandpur and Sihanpur, Tehsil Kharar, District SAS Nagar (Mohali) of M/s. Bajwa Developers Pvt. Ltd. 20-May-2022
18 RERA/Pb/AMI/2021/8170 Regarding the qualification of the Engineer for submitting Engineer Certificate as per the Form 2 of general regulations. 08-Nov-2021
19 Public Notice The Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Punjab expresses its profound sorrow at the sad demise of Col. Varinder Singh (Retd.), Secretary, RERA Punjab. 05-May-2021
20 Public Notice The List of projects where an extension of six months is granted due to COVID-19, as per Circular No. RERA/ENF-2020/23 dated 28.10.2020 28-Jan-2021
21 RERA/PROG/2020/7404 Public Notice regarding the Adhaar Number to be "masked" for all documents uploaded on the Web Portal. 20-Oct-2020
22 Public Notice Notice u/s 59 for appearance in respect of projects not registered with RERA Punjab. 25-Aug-2020
23 RERA-Pb-Fin-2020-5326 Notice Regarding the online submission of Quarterly Update for the Registered Real Estate Projects. 22-Jul-2020
24 Public Notice Regarding Promoters of Registered Real Estate Projects who have not Created their Web-Page on the Website of the Authority 05-Jul-2019
25 Public Notice Public Notice regarding Renewal of registration for Projects 03-Jun-2019
26 Public Notice Notice Regarding the extension for the Registered Real Estate Projects 31-May-2019
27 Public Notice Public Notice regarding Online Submission of Form E and Form 5 28-Mar-2019
28 Public Notice Public Notice U/s 59 regarding appearance for Projects Not Registered with Authority 05-Mar-2019
29 Public Notice Shifting Notice - Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Punjab 12-Oct-2018
30 Tender Notice Tender Notice for - Housekeeping Services as well as Multi-Tasking Staff Services 20-Aug-2018
31 Public Notice Public Notice – Seeking co-operation from general public to ensure registration of all eligible projects under the Act 15-May-2018
32 Public Notice Public Notice – Regarding the Online Registration of Real Estate Projects and Agents 24-Mar-2018
33 Public Notice (24/08/2017 to 28/12/2017) Press Notes 28-Dec-2017
Sr.No Ref. Number Circular/ Order/ Letter Title Date of Issue Download
1 Order Public Notice regarding the timings for the public dealing by Directors and Deputy Directors of all Branches in the Authority's premises shall be from 02:30 PM to 04:30 PM. 06-Mar-2025
2 RERA/Pb/legal/2024/8825-8826 Order regarding revocation of Registration of Project La Canela with RERA Registration No. PBRERA-SAS80-PR0866. 06-Sep-2024
3 RERA/Pb/legal/2024/8821-8822 Order regarding revocation of Registration of Project Suntec City with RERA Registration No. PBRERA-SAS80-PM0045. 06-Sep-2024
4 RERA/Pb/legal/2024/8823-8824 Order regarding revocation of Registration of Project District Seven with RERA Registration No. PBRERA-SAS80-PC0155. 06-Sep-2024
5 Order Order regarding revocation of Registration of Projects of WTC Noida Development Company Pvt. Ltd. 15-May-2024
6 rera-pb-admn-amN-2023-6495-6503 Office Order regarding the timings for the public dealing by Managers of all Branches in the Authority's premises shall be from 02:30 PM to 04:30 PM. 07-Jun-2023
7 RERA/Pb/Legal/2023/2986 Regarding the revocation of the order of suspension of the project "Mohali Royal Towers" registered with registration number PBRERA-SAS81-PR0549. 14-Mar-2023
8 RERA/Pb/Legal/2023/68 Order in continuation with Endst. No. RERA/AMA(I)/Pb/2021/2309-2335, dated 01.04.2021 and order no. RERA/PB/LEGAL/2022/6292 dated 04.07.2022 regarding powers for dealing with the matters and proceedings under Chapter VIII of the Act among Chairperson and Members of the Authority. 05-Jan-2023
9 RERA/Pb/FIN/2022/8469-8494 Circular regarding revision of fees for Extension of projects under Section 8 of the RERA Act. 25-Aug-2022
10 Rera/admin/2022/8041 Circular regarding office opening hours on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan i.e. 11.08.2022 10-Aug-2022
11 RERA/Pb/Legal/2022/7816 Circular regarding the Execution of RERA Orders 04-Aug-2022
12 Order Regarding the suspension of the project "Mohali Royal Towers" registered with registration number PBRERA-SAS81-PR0549 03-Aug-2022
13 RERA/Pb/Legal/2022/6292 Order in continuation with Endst. No. RERA/AMA(I)/Pb/2021/2309-2335, dated 01.04.2021 regarding powers for dealing with the matters and proceedings under Chapter VIII of the Act. 04-Jul-2022
14 RERA/Pb/Legal/2022/6063 Circular in supersession of the Circular no.RERA/Legal/2021/8950 dated 06.12.2021. 27-Jun-2022
15 Order Order regarding the resuming of physical hearing of the complaints filed under Section 31 (Form N) of RERA Act, 2016 entrusted with the Adjudicating Officer Sh. Balbir Singh w.e.f 11th April 2022. 01-Apr-2022
16 RERA/Pb/Legal/2022/2639 Partial modification of the order conveyed vide this Office Endst. No. RERA/AMI/Pb/2021/2309-2335 on 01.04.2021 and subject to Order No. RERA/Pb/Legal/2022/2578, dated 28.03.2022. 30-Mar-2022
17 RERA/Pb/Legal/2022/2578 Order in continuation with Endst. No. RERA/AMA(I)/Pb/2021/2309-2335, dated 01.04.2021 28-Mar-2022
18 Order Order regarding the resuming of physical hearing of the complaints filed under Section 31 of RERA Act, 2016 w.e.f 14th March, 2022. 11-Mar-2022
19 RERA/Pb/2022/ENF/1429 Documents to be furnished for submitting the application for extension of registration under Section 8 of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016. 03-Mar-2022
20 Order Restriction on the entry of visitors to the Authority premises without prior appointment w.e.f. 10th January, 2022 till further orders. 11-Jan-2022
21 Order Order regarding adjournment of cases u/s 31 (Form N) entrusted with the Adjudicating Officer Sh. Balbir Singh, dated 10.01.2022 07-Jan-2022
22 RERA/Pb/Legal/2021/9250 In continuation of the order dated 10.12.2021, the complaints under Section 31 of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 shall be taken up by the single-Member benches of the Chairperson and Members of this Authority. 17-Dec-2021
23 Order Regarding delegation of powers under Section 81 of Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 to single member benches comprising of Chairperson and other Members of the Authority for the disposal of complaint filed under Section 31 of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016. 10-Dec-2021
24 RERA/LEGAL/2021/8950 Circular regarding the procedure to be followed with regard to the handling of complaints pursuant to the judgment of the Hon'ble Supreme Court dated 11.11.2021 in Civil Appeal No(s). 6745-6749 of 2021. 06-Dec-2021
25 Order Order regarding the withdrawal of application for registration by a Real Estate Agent. 10-Nov-2021
26 Rera/admin/2021/29 Circular regarding withdrawal/de-registration of registered projects 06-Aug-2021
27 Order Order regarding the resuming of physical hearing of the arguments in complaints filed under Section 31 of RERA Act, 2016 w.e.f 6th Aug, 2021. 04-Aug-2021
28 RERA/Pb/ENF/2021/28 Circular regarding the definition of the promoter of the project, where the owner of the land and the developer of the project are different entities. 04-Jun-2021
29 RERA/Pb/FIN/2021/3780 Circular regarding fees for various services rendered by the Authority 28-May-2021
30 RERA/Pb/2021/ENF/26 Circular regarding the extension in validity for the registered Projects where the period of Extension granted under Section 6 of the Real Estate Regulatory and Development Act has lapsed. 18-May-2021
31 Order Public dealing in Authority's premises suspended w.e.f. 04th May, 2021 till further orders. 03-May-2021
32 Order Order regarding hearing of the cases before the bench of Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Punjab, and the Adjudicating Officer through Video Conference on "Cisco Webex Meeting App". 22-Apr-2021
33 Order Restriction on the entry of visitors to the Authority premises without prior appointment w.e.f. 19th April, 2021 till further orders 16-Apr-2021
34 RERA/AMI/Pb/2021/2309-2335 Order regarding delegation of powers with matters and proceedings under Chapter VIII of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 among Chairperson and Members of the Authority. 01-Apr-2021
35 Order Order regarding adjournment of cases u/s 31 (Form N) entrusted with the Adjudicating Officer Sh. Balbir Singh, dated 25.03.2021. 23-Mar-2021
36 RERA/Pb/2021/ENF/25 Circular regarding addition/revision of area in the already registered Real Estate Projects. 23-Mar-2021
37 RERA/Pb/LEGAL/24 Regarding jurisdiction of the Authority and the Adjudicating Officer to hear complaints U/s 31 of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016. 05-Mar-2021
38 Order Order regarding adjournment of cases u/s 31 (Form N) entrusted with the Adjudicating Officer Sh. Balbir Singh, dated 23.02.2021. 22-Feb-2021
39 Order Order regarding the partial modification of the order dated 08.02.2021. 19-Feb-2021
40 Order Regarding the adjournment of cases under Section 31 (Form N) entrusted with the Adjudicating Officer Sh. Balbir Singh in compliance with order dated 08.02.2021 of the Authority. 12-Feb-2021
41 Order Order regarding the resuming of physical hearing of the complaints under Section 31 w.e.f 15th February, 2021 10-Feb-2021
42 RERA/ENF-2020/23 Circular in supersession of RERA/ENF/2020-20 dated 13/05/2020. 28-Oct-2020
43 PB.RERA.2020/ENF/22 Circular Regarding the exact rate of interest payable by the Promoter to the Allottee, or vice versa, under the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016. 17-Sep-2020
44 Order Order regarding hearing of cases before the bench of Adjudicating Officer Sh. Balbir Singh through Video Conference. 08-Sep-2020
45 Order Adjournment of complaints from 01.09.2020 to 04.09.2020 under Section 31(Form N) entrusted with the Adjudicating Officer Sh. Balbir Singh. 28-Aug-2020
46 Order Adjournment of complaints from 17.08.2020 to 31.08.2020 under Section 31(Form N) entrusted with the Adjudicating Officer Sh. Balbir Singh. 17-Aug-2020
47 PBRERA/ENF/21 Circular regarding project category of villas/ independent floors in supersession of RERA/ENF/03 dated 24/01/2018. 04-Aug-2020
48 Order Restriction on the entry of visitors to the Authority premises without prior appointment w.e.f. 17th July, 2020 till further orders. 16-Jul-2020
49 Order Adjournment of complaints under Section 59 entrusted with the Member Sh. Sanjiv Gupta. 16-Jul-2020
50 Order Adjournment of complaints under Section 31 entrusted with the Member Sh. Sanjiv Gupta. 15-Jul-2020
51 Order Adjournment of all complaint cases under Section 31 and proceedings under Section 59 till 16th Aug, 2020. 14-Jul-2020
52 Order Adjournment of complaints under Section 31(Form N) entrusted with the Adjudicating Officer Sh. Balbir Singh. 14-Jul-2020
53 Order Adjournment of complaints under Section 31 entrusted with the Chairperson Sh. Navreet Singh Kang vide orders dated 14.07.2020 14-Jul-2020
54 Endst. No 5030 Adjournment of complaints under Section 59 entrusted with the Chairperson Sh. Navreet Singh Kang vide orders dated 14.07.2020 14-Jul-2020
55 Recruitment Notice Recruitment Notice – for the post of Member 01-Jul-2020
56 RERA/Pb/AMfna/2020/3264 FAQ's- Applicability of GST to Real Estate Sector 12-Jun-2020
57 RERA/ENF/2020-20 Relief for Promoter in the light of COVID-19 pandemic 13-May-2020
58 Order Adjournment of GC/ Execution Applications entrusted with the Member Sh. Sanjiv Gupta. 07-May-2020
59 Order Adjournment of GC/ Execution Applications entrusted with the Chairperson Sh. Navreet Singh Kang. 07-May-2020
60 Order In continuation of the order dated 31.03.2020, the office of Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Punjab will remain closed upto 03.05.2020 or till further orders, whichever occurs earlier. 14-Apr-2020
61 Order In continuation of order conveyed vide Memo No. PS/CP/2020/04 dated 23.03.2020, the office of Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Punjab will remain closed up to 14.04.2020 or till further orders, whichever occurs earlier. 31-Mar-2020
62 PS/CP/2020/04 Due to COVID-19 outbreak office of the Authority will remain closed till 31-03-2020 23-Mar-2020
63 RERA/ENF Adjournment of Complaints listed for hearings from 23.03.2020 to 31.03.2020 20-Mar-2020
64 RERA/Pb/ADMN/2020/2284 Suspension of unrestricted entry of visitors 20-Mar-2020
65 RERA-Pb-Fin-2020-1641-1666 Circular Notice regarding Composite Web Maintenance Fee for Real Estate Promoters and Real Estate Agent. 02-Mar-2020
66 RERA-Pb-Fin-2019-6796 Mentioning of UDIN on Documents certified by a CA 13-Nov-2019
67 RERA/ENF/19 Clarification regarding "Partial completion certificate", "Occupancy Certificate" and "Completion Certificate" in supersession of circular no. RERA/ENF/13 09-Jul-2019
68 RERA/ENF/18 Circular regarding - Change of bank account numbers by promoters 11-Apr-2019
69 RERA/Pb./ENF-17 Circular Regarding – Jurisdiction of Adjudicating Officer vis-a-vis that of the Authority- keeping in abeyance Circular RERA/ENF/14 and Circular RERA/Pb./ENF/15 19-Mar-2019
70 Circular Procedure for submitting the hard copy of project to the authority by the promoters. 16-Jan-2019
71 RERA/Pb./ENF/16 Circular notice regarding mandatory Auditing of account of promoter 04-Jan-2019
72 RERA/Pb./ENF/15 Circular Notice - Jurisdiction of adjudicating officer vis-à-vis that of the authority in supersession of circular no. RERA/Pb./ENf/14 21-Nov-2018
73 RERA/ENF/14 Circular Regarding – Jurisdiction of Adjudicating Officer vs-a-vis that of the Authority 29-Oct-2018
74 RERA/ENF/13 Circular Regarding - Clarifications regarding “Occupation Certificate”, “Partial Completion Certificate” and “Completion Certificate” 26-Oct-2018
75 Order Public Notice - Right To Information Act 27-Sep-2018
76 RERA/2018 Order for Web-Portal Fee 31-Aug-2018
77 RERA/ENF/12 Circular Regarding – Charging of registration fee for Institutional Areas 30-Aug-2018
78 Recruitment Notice Recruitment Notice – for the post of Secretary 20-Aug-2018
79 RERA/ENF/10 Circular Regarding – Change of Bank Account Number by the Promoters 19-Jun-2018
80 RERA/ENF/11 Circular Regarding – Registration of Real Estate Agents - charging of fee thereof. 05-Jun-2018
81 Recruitment Notice Recruitment Notice – for the post of Secretary and Personal Assistant 18-May-2018
82 RERA/Pb./ENF/08 Circular Regarding – Uploading of details of the projects, already registered on the web portal of the Authority 09-May-2018
83 RERA/Pb./ENF/09 Circular Regarding – Charging of registration fee for common areas in case of projects having mixed land use 09-May-2018
84 RERA/ENF/07 Circular regarding Applications for registration of projects where the original application has been rejected by the Authority – charging of fee thereof 23-Apr-2018
85 RERA/ENF/06 Circular regarding request by promoters for change of Special Bank Account as required by the provisions of Section 4(2)(1)(D) of the Act 19-Mar-2018
86 RERA/ENF/05 Circular regarding registration of projects developed outside planning area 16-Mar-2018
87 RERA/ENF/04 Circular – in supersession of Circular RERA/ENF/01 13-Feb-2018
88 RERA/ENF/03 Circular regarding project category of villas/ independent floors 24-Jan-2018
89 RERA/ENF/02 Circular regarding registration fee of open areas/ common areas/ utility areas 23-Jan-2018
90 RERA/ENF/01 Circular regarding the compliance guidelines for “Advertisement of Real Estate Projects” 21-Dec-2017